Saturday, September 13, 2008

cooling morning.

it's raining cats and dogs.
veri early, in the morning.
sibei nice to slp. ;D
ard 9am woke up.
started of the day wib maths revision practise.
do until ard 1+.
then on com and do research,
for sci practical worksheet..
till now. okay.
tat's it. off to study liao.

♥♥1.03.09 2:20 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008


habing flu these few days.
wasn't veri happy.
geo assignment done in class,
didn't do well.
hais. counted in CA de lei.
confirm pull down marks.
bo pian, nid to work harder in end of yr.
already start revision for maths, geo liao.
siaoo lo. lit test 11/25 XD
highest 15 niah barhs?
lowest 1/2 mark barhs?
todae completed art exam.
lao demi nbr finish..;D sry mummi.
hhas. new art project launched.
todae, went for dnt. all the time i was sneezing, cz of those dustsss.
i brought hm my stuffs to screw the plastic.
my dad got those tools! hahs.
todae reach hm, be4 bath then on com. after bath came in to the rm and off it.
NEVER USE. am i mad? on off? waste electricity!!!
then now on again lor. siao gina l
oh ya, tml nid to renewpassport online. saved $40 total. coz online marhs.
so looking forward to my holidayy.
cnt help thinking tat exams are over.
lols. no more daydreaming!!
okay, go study maths liao!.

♥♥1.03.09 8:30 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

PTM ytd ;D
ytd parents nid to go to sku by 7pm.
listen to principle talk abt streaming things.
lols. boring sehh.
mummi say no nid be SO punctual.
we board the bus ard lyk 6.55+?
hahas. quite alort reach liao.
nid register de.
mummi not paying attention at first.
kip sms-ing.
talk until poly ther then she listen.
when parents asking questions, she went to toilet.
when she back, my turn.
then she kip wanting to zao.
after tat end liao, my mum was the onli one who stood up.
for? TO CLAP. sarcastic lor. purposely der XD.
then we zao ;D
she asked me if i was hungry. i ans-ed no.
and asked her : wad if i say i was?
she said: then go eat lar !
me said: eh? mac nearest XD
then she said go mac. lols!!
almost reaching the bustop, she said : we eat mac, ltr walk hm.
but she was kidding -.-
we ordered mc spicy n share!!yummy XD

♥♥1.03.09 5:51 PM

Sunday, September 7, 2008


went to chinatown ther...
de five stars tour agency.
we went to the 5th floorth, the new branch.
the system got prob.
my mummi complained n said their service was "lan"
we went down to the 3rd floorth.
the old branch. the company crzy.
in one shopping centre got 2 branches ?!
nvm. we read through the pamplets.
taiwan, hongkong, austrialia.
last decision : Austrialia.
my mummi say she dun wan go too cold, too hot.
jus the right temp.
for austrialia, total cost 5 person : $9120.
luckily got $150 discount ea.
siao? forgot which country is $5000+.
leaving on 12dec in the nyte.
then reach ther shld be morning? 6hrs flight.
come back is 17 dec afternoon 2.45pm.
reaching time shld be 8+pm.
weehee ! looking forward to it. but so lonqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq.

♥♥1.03.09 4:03 PM


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♥♥it's all ME...

JACK: Image Hosted by ImageShack.us
♥TAN Wan Lin ;D
♥15, Libra
♥ex zhps-gurl,ccksian.
♥sec 3/9'9 , SEC 4/9'10

元若藍 - 半情歌.Mp3 -
♥♥Chasing after...

♥-L1R5 : 8/9
♥-grow taller*
♥-newfone in 2010's march!!
♥-own NETS card
♥-new bag


♥-Sky.blue colour
♥-GreenApple ice blended



Layout by: Luvv-IN-bluE
deviantart brushes
Photoshop CS2
Dreamweaver 8.0